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Crowd awaiting news outside Emergency Room entrance of Parkland Hospital, Dallas, Johnson limousine in foreground, following John F. Kennedy assassination, 11/22/1963589 views

Photographer: Jim Walker Credit 6th floor museum803 viewsBlack and white photograph of Vice President Lyndon Johnson's car in the Dallas motorcade. The white car, several car lengths behind the president's limousine, is driven by Hurchel Jacks of the Texas Highway Patrol; Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood sits in the front passenger seat. In the backseat Senator Ralph Yarborough waves to the crowd along with Vice President and Mrs. Johnson, who are turned away from the photographer.

Jack Johnson 1733 viewsJack Johnson 1

Jack Johnson 6762 viewsJack Johnson 6

Jack Johnson 11948 viewsJack Johnson 11

Jack Johnson 12939 viewsJack Johnson 12

Jack Johnson 13967 viewsJack Johnson 13

Jack Johnson 14761 viewsJack Johnson 14

Jack Johnson 15828 viewsJack Johnson 15

Jack Johnson 17962 viewsJack Johnson 17

Jack Johnson 17895 viewsJack Johnson 17

Jack Johnson 18905 viewsJack Johnson 18