Parkland Hospital |
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Parkland small1378 views
690 viewsWoman holding what appears to be a Polaroid camera
Parkland.jpg Credit: Lee Forman1229 views
Parkland Hospital1419 views
Credit: James Richards1449 views
Credit: James Richards1421 views
Parkland Hospital1503 views
Parkland small1454 views
Hearse leaving Parkland LARGE ( Credit Lee Forman )1610 views
Dallas Times Herald.1189 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by unidentified Dallas Times Herald staff photographer. This image shows Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry watching as Secret Service agents carry clothes and hats to a waiting car outside of Parkland Hospital on November 22, 1963. A crowd waits for news. The rounded windshield of a police motorcycle is visible in the foreground.
Dallas Times Herald.877 viewsOriginal black and white photographic negative taken by a Dallas Times Herald staff photographer showing the pilot car from the Kennedy motorcade, driven by Dallas Police Deputy Chief George L. Lumpkin, at Parkland Hospital. The other men inside are unidentified. This is the car that was used to drive Lyndon Johnson from Parkland Hospital back to Love Field.